Hair loss or baldness is something that most of the adults of today’s age are worried about. There are some cases in which the teenagers lose hair and this continues till a growing age. Hair fall during the teens signifies that the person is sick or is not having proper meals. Apart from this, there are other causes that results in hair loss like there are some like chemotherapy which is meant for treating cancer also causes hair loss. One can also lose hair if they tie their hair for long time like braids. Установка кондиционеров подробныи монтаж кондиционера.
Hair loss can be stressful mainly to those who are really concerned about their appearance. It is found that hair loss in a teenager is temporary. As far as temporary hair loss is concerned, hair starts growing once the problem is identified and correct treatment is offered. Generally, hair contains a kind of protein known as Keratin. A hair contains a hair shaft, a root under the skin, a follicle.
You will find a hair bulb at the lower part of follicle, which produces the color pigment of the hair or melanin. It is discovered that most of the people generally lose nearly 100 hairs per day. These are restored- they grow in the similar follicle on the head. This kind of hair fall is normal and if you suffer from one there is nothing to worry. If you find that you are losing your hair more than this amount, then it is definitely a matter of concern. If you are experiencing hair fall and are not able to identify the reason behind it, you should immediately consult a doctor. A doctor will be able to determine the real cause behind hair fall and will also suggest a proper treatment for curing this problem, if necessary.
Many of us are not aware of the fact that there is a general cycle of hair loss and growth. The general sequence of hair growth continues for two to three years. Every hair grows nearly 1 centimeter every month in this stage. Nearly 90 percent of hair on the scalp grows at a time. Nearly ten percent of the scalp hair keeps itself in the resting stage. After three to four months, the resting scalp hair falls and new hair begins growing in that area. Every one of us loses some hair regularly which is a normal procedure. However, there are some who experience excessive hair fall. This kind of hair loss affects men, women as well as children.
Common baldness generally means male pattern hair loss or a permanent hairlessness. It is known as androgenetic alopecia. This sort of baldness is the main cause behind hair fall in males. Males who have this kind of hair loss generally have inherited the feature. Males who begin losing hair at a very early stage develop baldness quickly. In the male pattern baldness, loss of hair generally results in baldness and receding hair line on the top part of the head. There are different medicines available in the market for treating hair loss. One among them is Propecia. This is meant for men and should be not be used by females and children.